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Odborná skupina IAS/IES Československej sekcie IEEE
Stránky projektov
  KEGA 053ŽU-4/2021
  Smart Grids
Ing. Sumega Martin
Doktorand ročník:  III. - interný
Školiteľ:  prof. Ing. Rafajdus Pavol PhD.
Téma:  Minimalizácia zvlnenia momentu elektrických pohonov s PM motormi
E -mail:  martin.sumega(at)feit.uniza.sk
Tel. číslo:  041 513 2270
Miestnosť:  BD218 (ND220)
Zoššák, Š., Sovička, P., Sumega, M., Rafajdus, P.: Evaluating Low Speed Limit of Back-EMF Observer for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, 13th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable, Modern and Safe Transport, Transcom 2019, Novy Smokovec, Slovakia, 2019, 05, 29.-31., AED, str.: 610-615, ISSN: 2352-1457, EN.
Sumega, M., Rafajdus P., Štulrajter, M., Scelba, G.: Control Strategies for the Identification and Reduction of Cogging Torque in PM Motors, 19th International Conference on Electrical Drives & Power Electronics, EDPE 2019, Nový Smokovec, The High Tatras, Slovakia, 2019, 09, 24.-26., AED, str.: 74-80, ISBN 978-1-7281-0388-4, EN.
Sumega, M., Žoššák, Š., Varecha, P., Rafajdus, P.: Sources of torque ripple and their influence in BLDC motor drives, 13th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable, Modern and Safe Transport, Transcom 2019, Novy Smokovec, Slovakia, 2019, 05, 29.-31., AED, str.: 519-526, ISSN: 2352-1457, EN.
Varecha, P., Makyš, P., Sumega, M., Sovička, P.: Power losses analysis in MOSFET 3-phase high current power inverter for automotive application area, 13th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable, Modern and Safe Transport, Transcom 2019, Starý Smokovec, 2019, 05, 29.-31., AED, str.: 571-578, ISSN: 2352-1457, EN.
Sumega, M., Zoššák, Š., Varecha, P., Rafajdus, P., Štulrajter, M. : Adaptive algorithm to reduce acoustic noise and torque ripple in low-cost PM motors, Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics - Optimization of Electrical & Electronic Equipment Conference, ACEMP-OPTIM 2019, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019, 08, 27. - 29., AFC, str.: 100-107, ISBN 978-1-5386-7687-5, EN.
KEGA 045ŽU-4/2019 Innovation of the educational process by modernization of Electrical Machines Laboratory
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Pavol Rafajdus
Spoluriešitelia: Pavel Lehocký, Juraj Makarovič, Rudolf Madaj, Martin Sumega, Pavel Sovička

VEGA 1/0615/19 Scientific research of high-speed drive with minimal torque ripple
Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Pavol Rafajdus
Spoluriešitelia: Pavol Makyš, Valéria Hrabovcová, Vladimír Vavrúš, Lukáš Gorel, Pavel Lehocký, Marek Štulrajter, Juraj Makarovič, Martin Sumega, Patrik Varecha, Šimon Zoššák